Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last week I was thinking about my thesis subject. I really want to do something related to fashion magazines. I decided to choose fashion and style as subject matters of my magazine. The purpose of my publication is to bring real beauty back. Fashion magazines have established themselves as one of the most powerful influences in the process of self-formation for young people. The purpose of my magazine is to go through ordinary people and show how each one of them is beautiful and unique in their own way. Our fashion magazines are so into models and celebrities that have made teenagers and women more into beauty rather than other important things. They get fashion magazines to see what celebrities did in order to look good. They all are dominated by images of young, slim and attractive females. Hopefully I can come up with more ideas so I can build a stronger concept.

1 comment:

  1. Real beauty is a difficult concept to define. Fashion and power relationshops have always affected perceptions of beauty. It's an interesting area,though, worth looking into
