- Editorial design refers to the design of magazines. magazines could appear in print as well as in online media.
- Publishing is the core for editorial design and it is a field in which the publishers and editors make the primary decisions relating to the focus, concept and marketing of the product.
- A creative director is usually necessary when a publication is very large or there are several publications within a group.
- A weekly publication requires more effort than a monthly.
- The creative director or art director will be responsible for hiring the staff which can also include photo stylists or photo editors.
- The art director directs the creative team.
- The designer is involved with working with layouts and perhaps make some of the type and visual decisions.
- Designers are hired because of their ability to understand the subject matter and visually realize the magazine editor's focus.
- Different categories of magazines: Lifestyle, Fashion, Business, Trade, High tech, Consumer and spacial interest ( computers, children, education, fitness and .....)
Goldfarb, Roz. Careers by Design: A Business Guide for Graphic Designers. 3rd ed. New York: Allworth Press, 2002.
please properly cite the book.